The UK Orienteering League has now been completed for 2013 and South Yorkshire was declared the winner and Octavian Droobers came second after 20 events staged across the year including major Championships races as well as urban and forest events.
The team result was based on the 15 best individual club members’ total scores across age groups of 16 years to 60 and over. Second place, scoring 6277 points behind SYO’s 6696 points, was a tremendous achievement for the club considering that there were over 100 club teams in the league.
Congratulations to club members who won their age classes in the league: Julie Emmerson W18 and Anne Straube W35. Also congratulations to the other team members whose scores contributed to this great result: Trevor Simpson M70, Hilary Simpson W0, Liz Phillips W45, Aimee Morse W16, Harrison McCartney M16, Chris McCartney M40, Harriet Lawson W18, David Lawson M50, Mike Hampton M65, Andy Emmerson M55, Matthew Elkington M18, Barry Elkington M55 and Sheila Carey W65.
As so many club members enjoy travelling to events around the country it was not surprising that there were sufficient good scores to ensure a good 15th place for the ‘B’ team: Elizabeth Urquhart W55, Andy Simpson M40, Lesley Ross W45, Heather Rogers W16, Nathan Lawson M16, Karin Kirk W65, William Gardner M20, Robert Gardner M21, Richard Gardner M55, Rachel Emmerson W18, Jill Emmerson W45, Stephen Elkington M16, Peter Carey M65, Bruce Bryant M55, Sue Bicknell W65.
Nopesport Urban League 2013 results have now been published and after 16 races, staged around the UK, with the best 7 to score, several club members have succeeded in gaining top ten places: Liz Phillips 3rd in the Veteran Women class, Mike Hampton 4th in the Ultra Vet Mens class, Harrison McCartney 7th in the Junior Men class and Sheila Carey 10th in the Ultra Veteran Womens class.
The British Schools Championships were held this weekend at Shipley Country Park, Heanor, Derbyshire. It was great to see so many junior club members representing their schools, some for the first time. Congratulations to the individual winners of their age classes: Harrison McCartney Year 11, Nathan Lawson Year 12 and Julie Emmerson Year 13. Full results are on the website.
Regional results round up: Robert Gardner M21 came 2nd on the long Brown 9.2k course taking 68.55mins at the Dorset Delight event at Agglestone and Newton Heath. Class winners at Pamber Forest, Berkshire, were Lesley Ross W45 taking 59.09mins on the Blue 6.98k course and mother Hilary Simpson W70 1.08.08mins on the Short Green 4.59k course. Mike Hampton M65 won the C 3.5k course at the Urban event at Peasholm near Scarborough taking 31.23mins and Bruce Bryant M55 was 3rd in 36.28mins.
19th November 2013