Nathan Lawson M16 hit the top spot near Guildford at the Southern Navigators Regional and England selection event at Frith and Windmill Hill coming 1st on the Short Brown 8.2k course in 50.07mins and Hamish Rogers took 57mins 6th best M18. On the same course Julie Emmerson was best W18 taking 1.05.37mins and Harriet Lawson second in 1.08.42mins. Lesley Ross was 4th W45 on the 5.39k course with 210metres of climb taking 55.35mins and Heather Rogers 5th W16 on the 4.63k course in 50.09mins.
Robert Gardner M21 was top OD runner at the Twywell Hills and Dales Middle distance event organised by the South Midland Orienteering Club. On the longest 5.6k Black course with 140 metres of climb and visiting 28 controls he took only 39.16mins to clinch the win and Aleksandrs Ivanovs M21 was 9th in 56.20mins. Anne Straube W35 was 2nd in 47.43mins, Bruce Bryant M55 4th in 51.11mins and Roman Kotecky M60 5th in 54.06mins on the Blue 4.9k course with 110metres of climb. On the Green 3.4k course Liz Phillips W45 came in 4th in 44.30mins.
The West Midlands League event at Oldacre on Cannock Chase proved the most popular event of the weekend and several good runs were had by club members. Riina Kuuselo W35 secured first place on the Blue 5.6k course taking 47mins and new member, from Warwick University, Beatrice Falga was top W18 taking 1.04.45mins on the same course.
Harrison McCartney M16 was 2nd on the long Brown 6.7k course with 185 metres of climb and 28 controls taking 49.57mins ahead of father Chris M40 4th place and 54.13mins and Tony Feltblower M55 5th 57.10mins. Stephen Elkington M16 was 4th on the Green 4.5k course taking 47.58mins as was Roger Hailey M75 on the Short Green 3.4k course taking 43.36mins
12th November 2013