Congratulations to Felix and Oliver Lunn both M12 who have been selected to join the West Midlands Orienteering Squad. Both have been successfully competing at regional events and representing Octavian Droobers at events. They will now join other OD juniors in the squad to gain additional coaching, training and representation in competitons on a wide variety of terrain around the country.
The regional West Midlands League event staged by Harlequins Orienteering Club at Titterstone Clee was popular and several OD club members won their age class.
Peter Carey M70 won the Short Green course in 42.59mins, Roger Hailey was 1st M75 in 48.19mins and Hilary Simpson 1st W75 in 1.00.41mins on the same course. On the short Yellow course junior Florence Lunn was fastest W10 taking only 19.44mins.
Ian Prowse was 2nd overall and top M60 on the Green course in 39.17mins and on the same course: Bruce Bryant 1st M55 47.44mins, Suzanne Humphries 1st W50 49.36mins, Sheila Carey 1st W65 54.20mins and Trevor Simpson 1st M75 1.11.12mins. Anne Straube was top W35 in 1.22.19min and Stephen Elkington top M18 in 1.22.29mins both on the Blue course. On the longest course Harrison McCartney came 4th overall in 1.12.42mins and was the top M16, Alistair Powell top M35 in 1.20.29mins and Tom Jeffries top M40 in 1.40.11mins.
Draycote Water event was very wet and brave orienteers survived the continuous rain at the event organised by the Harrison family and Tom Jeffries. Winners of the courses: Pippa Smart W12 11.03mins on the Yellow 1.4k course, Rob Smart M45 19.57mins on the Orange 2.2k course and Aleksandrs Ivanovs M21 33.40mins on the Green 4.1k course. First timer Will Bower M21 from Princethorpe College braved the conditions to come a creditable third in 22.43mins on the Orange course.
Further afield Mike Hampton won the Ultra Veterans Urban event around Poole Town, Dorset taking 29.55mins on the 4.1k course with 17 controls. Dave Marr M60 was placed 8th overall, after three competitions, two long and one middle distance, in his age class at the Belgium 3 day event in brilliant sunshine running through the beautiful forests of the Ardennes. Alfie Bullus was top M14 on the Green 4.1k course taking 1.02.24mins at Thames Valley O C Hughenden event.
10th June 2014