The first West Midlands League event was organised Octavian Droobers club member Thelma Spalton and held at Brandon Wood and Piles Coppice, near Coventry. The bright crisp frosty start and sunny morning attracted over 200 competitors from around the midlands. Over 80 club members, including many juniors, turned out to ensure the club keeps up its high scoring run in the league. The club finished top of the league in 2013 and have won it now for the past 7 consecutive years.
Many new club members enjoyed the courses planned by Janet Richardson and the top three on the White 1.7k beginners course were Grace Lee who took 21.30mins, Arthur Mitchell M10 from Harlequins Orienteering Club 22.14mins and new member Thomas Chapple M10 23.17mins. Hannah Andrews W14 won the Yellow 2.4k course in 18.43mins, Amy Mitchell from Walton Chasers was 2nd in 20.37mins and Oliver Lunn M12 was 3rd in 21.09mins.
Finding the 11 controls on the Orange 3.1k course in the fastest time was Oliver Flippance M12 who took 42.08mins ahead of brother Finley M10 43.48mins and Beckie Lang W40 was 3rd 46.26mins. New member Liam Chapple M45 took first place on the Light Green 3.2k course taking 42.56mins, Sam Leadley M14 was 2nd in 43.51mins and Ella Rose McCartney W14 3rd in 44.22mins. Pete Carey M70 was 1st on the Short Green 3.4k course in 31.41mins just ahead of wife Sheila Carey W65 32.31mins and Charles Nelson M60 from HOC 35.09mins.
Andy Hemsted M65 from HOC won the Short Green 5.1k course with 18 controls in 39.34mins, David Lawson M50 was 2nd in 40.54mins and Richard Gardner M60 3rd in 42.21mins. Another winner from HOC was Ian Hopkins M45 who took 47.27mins on the Blue 6.3k course; Clive Richardson M45 from Wrekin Club was 2nd 48.11 and Stephen Elkington M18 3rd in 48.27mins. On the longest course, 8.4k Brown with 27 controls, Harrison McCartney M16 was 1st in 51.40mins, Matthew Elkington M20 2nd 51.57mins and David Williams M50 HOC 3rd in 54.18mins.
14th Jan 2014