Coombe Abbey Orienteering  Wednesday 1st July 2009
YELLOW   1.4 km   10 controls
Edward Stephenson M10 12.38 10
Anne Teed W45 14.21 10
Caroline Plunkett W18 15.32 10
Zoe Nicolson W12 17.33 10
Abigail Spooner W11 17.37 10
Thomas Taylor M10 19.53 10
Lauren Taylor W10 23.24 10
ORANGE   2.8 km   12 controls
Aimee Morse W12 19.48 12
Collin Taylor M45 22.06 12
Claire Teed W16 26.15 12
Matthew Parsons M12 27.50 12
Millie Lowe W12 28.49 12
Oliver Hopley M12 34.45 12
Syra Sanghera & Clara Sprules W14 39.22 12
Elizabeth Urquhart W55 40.08 12
Jessica Harvey W14 40.34 12
Chris Parsons M50 40.58 12
Sian Fedestri W12 41.49 12
Barbara Morse W55 48.59 12
Michael Hanson-Morris M16 22.25 11
Sophie Oliver W10 87.13 11
Neela Rai W14 22.28 4
GREEN   3.9 km   18 controls
Liz Phillips W45 30.14 17
Harrison McCartney M12 32.44 17
John Bowman M65 34.11 17
Graeme Baker M21 39.10 17
Pete Carey M65 40.22 17
Isabel Urqhuart W20 41.05 17
Margaret Willdig W55 44.47 17
Duncan Teed M50 47.08 17
John Boden M60 47.36 17
Phil May M55 47.48 18
Sheila Carey W60 48.27 17
Penny Oliver W14 49.01 18
Andy Clagg M50 50.06 17
Sue Boal W55 58.01 18
Greta Greenall W60 63.16 18
Andrew Stephenson M50 64.23 18
Toby Greaves M40 36.11 16
Northcliffe W45 78.20 13
Mike Turner M21 83.40 14
BLUE   5.1 km   26 controls
John Embrey M50 33.47 25
Jules Simpson M21 33.49 25
Mark Chapman M40 37.29 26
Chris McCartney M40 39.20 25
John Ward M60 49.17 26
Bill Nicolson M40 51.30 26
Ian Farrell M21 51.56 25
Tony Feltbower M55 52.07 26
Keith Willdig M60 54.39 25
Jacky Embrey W50 69.55 25
Richard Steel M45 75.30 26
John Burrows M65 69.08 24
David Bray M55 45.38 21
Richard Burnett M50 no time  
Faye Greaves W21 retired  
Thank you all for coming.  It was a hot evening made even hotter for some by the wasp/bee's nest by the iron post !  Please note that Tony Feltbower ran back to the start to raise the alarm, thanks Tony.  I was then able to warn later starters on Green and Blue to miss that post out.  Faye Greaves and Sue Boal, in particular received stings, I hope that the itching has now gone away.  Many many thanks to Phil for donning his chef's hat, it was good to have so many staying to enjoy the barbecue.  Many many many thanks to John Embrey for collecting in the lion's share of the controls (bear in mind that John is not a member of OD - we owe him one ,,,. or two).  Sue Bicknell helped me collect the rest in.
Bob Brandon

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Last modified: July 21, 2011