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Goto class M14A , W14A

Splits for Course LG
Length 3.8km, 140m climb, 13 controls

                                       1[139]       2[159]       3[142]       4[134]       5[129]       6[130]       7[117]       8[126]       9[128]      10[140]      11[162]      12[169]      13[123]      Finish
  1   Guy Ross                 29:39    2:03(1)      5:06(1)      8:01(1)     12:03(1)     16:10(1)     17:07(1)     20:11(1)     20:11(1)     22:02(1)     22:36(1)     25:22(1)     26:46(1)     28:50(1)     29:39(1)   
      OD, M14A(1)                       2:03(1)      3:03(1)      2:55(3)      4:02(2=)     4:07(1)      0:57(3)      3:04(3)       ---         1:51(2)      0:34(5=)     2:46(1)      1:24(4)      2:04(7)      0:49(4)   
  2   Matthew Elkington        31:04    2:48(8)      5:56(3)      8:49(2)     12:51(2)     18:06(2)     19:05(2)     21:52(2)     21:52(2)     23:28(2)     24:06(2)     26:56(2)     28:09(2)     30:14(2)     31:04(2)   
      OD, M14A(2)                       2:48(8)      3:08(3)      2:53(2)      4:02(2=)     5:15(4)      0:59(4=)     2:47(1)       ---         1:36(1)      0:38(11=)    2:50(2)      1:13(2)      2:05(8)      0:50(5)   
  3   Hamish Rogers            33:32    2:45(7)      6:11(7)      8:56(3)     12:52(3)     18:08(3)     20:37(3)     24:02(3)     24:02(3)     26:04(3)     26:42(3)     29:42(3)     30:59(3)     32:41(3)     33:32(3)   
      OD, M14A(3)                       2:45(7)      3:26(6=)     2:45(1)      3:56(1)      5:16(5)      2:29(13)     3:25(5)       ---         2:02(4)      0:38(11=)    3:00(4)      1:17(3)      1:42(3)      0:51(6=)  
  4   Harrison McCartney (M12  33:49    2:41(5)      5:48(2)     11:13(6)     15:43(5)     20:11(4)     21:27(4)     24:27(4)     24:27(4)     26:32(4)     27:08(4)     29:59(4)     31:09(4)     32:50(4)     33:49(4)   
      OD, M14A(4), [M12]                2:41(5)      3:07(2)      5:25(8)      4:30(4)      4:28(2)      1:16(9)      3:00(2)       ---         2:05(5)      0:36(8)      2:51(3)      1:10(1)      1:41(2)      0:59(11)  
  5   Rachel Emmerson          38:15    2:40(4)      6:06(5)      9:13(4)     15:36(4)     22:36(5)     23:40(5)     27:15(5)     27:15(5)     29:12(5)     29:49(5)     33:03(5)     34:45(5)     37:17(5)     38:15(5)   
      OD, W14A(1)                       2:40(4)      3:26(6=)     3:07(4)      6:23(8)      7:00(8)      1:04(6)      3:35(9)       ---         1:57(3)      0:37(9=)     3:14(6=)     1:42(8)      2:32(10=)    0:58(8=)  
  6   Julie Emmerson           40:43    2:34(3)      6:10(6)     13:36(9)     18:30(7)     23:57(6)     24:56(6)     28:54(6)     28:54(6)     32:07(6)     32:44(6)     36:19(6)     37:54(6)     39:52(6)     40:43(6)   
      OD, W14A(2)                       2:34(3)      3:36(9)      7:26(14=)    4:54(5)      5:27(6)      0:59(4=)     3:58(10)      ---         3:13(10)     0:37(9=)     3:35(8)      1:35(7)      1:58(6)      0:51(6=)  
  7   Jordan Webster           42:07    2:43(6)      5:59(4)     10:50(5)     16:01(6)     26:05(8)     26:57(7)     30:26(7)     30:26(7)     33:02(7)     33:33(7)     37:14(7)     38:48(7)     41:19(7)     42:07(7)   
      NOC, M14A(5)                      2:43(6)      3:16(4)      4:51(7)      5:11(6)     10:04(14)     0:52(2)      3:29(6)       ---         2:36(8)      0:31(3=)     3:41(9)      1:34(6)      2:31(9)      0:48(2=)  
  8   Alex Hedges              42:42    2:55(9=)     6:25(8)     13:30(8)     18:43(8)     25:49(7)     27:26(8)     30:47(8)     30:47(8)     34:05(8)     34:30(8)     37:44(8)     39:56(8)     41:44(8)     42:42(8)   
      OD, M14A(6)                       2:55(9=)     3:30(8)      7:05(11)     5:13(7)      7:06(10)     1:37(10)     3:21(4)       ---         3:18(12)     0:25(1)      3:14(6=)     2:12(11)     1:48(4=)     0:58(8=)  
  9   Harriet Lawson           43:03    2:14(2)     10:28(14)    13:57(10)    21:43(10)    26:53(9)     29:47(9)     33:19(9)     33:19(9)     35:28(9)     35:54(9)     39:01(9)     40:27(9)     42:15(9)     43:03(9)   
      DVO, W14A(3)                      2:14(2)      8:14(19)     3:29(5)      7:46(15)     5:10(3)      2:54(17)     3:32(8)       ---         2:09(6)      0:26(2)      3:07(5)      1:26(5)      1:48(4=)     0:48(2=)  
 10   Aimee Morse (W12)        48:59    4:47(17)     8:11(10)    12:34(7)     19:57(9)     29:34(11)    30:25(10)    34:30(10)    34:30(10)    36:49(10)    37:24(10)    41:46(10)    46:13(10)    47:51(10)    48:59(10)  
      OD, W14A(4), [W12]                4:47(17)     3:24(5)      4:23(6)      7:23(13)     9:37(13)     0:51(1)      4:05(11)      ---         2:19(7)      0:35(7)      4:22(11)     4:27(17)     1:38(1)      1:08(15)  
 11   Amy Kimberley            52:31    3:54(13)     8:49(11)    15:07(11)    21:44(11)    28:14(10)    30:59(11)    36:12(11)    36:12(11)    39:29(11)    40:15(11)    44:19(11)    48:26(11)    51:27(11)    52:31(11)  
      DVO, W14A(5)                      3:54(13)     4:55(11)     6:18(10)     6:37(9)      6:30(7)      2:45(15)     5:13(12)      ---         3:17(11)     0:46(16)     4:04(10)     4:07(16)     3:01(15)     1:04(14)  
 12   Hannah Horsewill         61:39    3:46(12)     9:29(13)    18:16(13)    25:20(13)    34:07(12)    36:23(12)    42:44(12)    42:44(12)    46:13(12)    46:47(12)    52:03(12)    56:35(12)    60:09(12)    61:39(12)  
      NOC, W14A(6)                      3:46(12)     5:43(13)     8:47(17)     7:04(10=)    8:47(12)     2:16(11)     6:21(15)      ---         3:29(14)     0:34(5=)     5:16(13)     4:32(18)     3:34(18)     1:30(18)  
 13   Barbara Tebbutt (W40)    64:28    3:45(11)     9:20(12)    16:57(12)    24:01(12)    37:13(13)    39:52(13)    45:06(14)    45:06(14)    49:35(14)    50:44(14)    56:14(13)    59:49(13)    62:56(13)    64:28(13)  
      LEI, _LG(1), [W40]                3:45(11)     5:35(12)     7:37(16)     7:04(10=)   13:12(17)     2:39(14)     5:14(13)      ---         4:29(16)     1:09(19)     5:30(15)     3:35(14)     3:07(16)     1:32(19)  
 14   Nicholas Wilson (M10)    65:42    4:17(14)    12:07(16)    19:33(15)    27:45(14)    39:12(14)    42:04(15)    49:29(15)    49:29(15)    53:39(15)    54:18(15)    59:02(14)    62:04(14)    64:44(14)    65:42(14)  
      LEI, M14A(7)                      4:17(14)     7:50(16)     7:26(14=)    8:12(16)    11:27(16)     2:52(16)     7:25(18)      ---         4:10(15)     0:39(13)     4:44(12)     3:02(13)     2:40(13)     0:58(8=)  
 15   William Parkinson        67:49    2:55(9=)     7:23(9)     21:12(17)    28:21(15)    39:35(15)    40:41(14)    44:11(13)    44:11(13)    46:53(13)    47:35(13)    62:31(15)    64:14(15)    66:46(15)    67:49(15)  
      NOC, M14A(8)                      2:55(9=)     4:28(10)    13:49(19)     7:09(12)    11:14(15)     1:06(7)      3:30(7)       ---         2:42(9)      0:42(15)    14:56(20)     1:43(9)      2:32(10=)    1:03(13)  
 16   Kathleen Wright (W65)    75:14    4:37(15)    12:31(17)    19:40(16)    28:55(16)    42:33(16)    45:44(16)    52:16(16)    52:16(16)    57:29(16)    58:36(16)    64:53(16)    68:52(16)    73:16(16)    75:14(16)  
      OD, _LG(2), [W65]                 4:37(15)     7:54(17)     7:09(12)     9:15(18)    13:38(18)     3:11(18)     6:32(16)      ---         5:13(18)     1:07(17)     6:17(16)     3:59(15)     4:24(19)     1:58(20)  
 17   Flora Szucs (W16)        89:46    9:04(20)    16:18(19)    26:11(18)    34:25(18)    57:40(19)    58:49(18)    66:50(18)    66:50(18)    71:26(17)    72:43(17)    83:27(18)    85:38(18)    88:46(18)    89:46(17)  
      HOC, _LG(3)                       9:04(20)     7:14(14)     9:53(18)     8:14(17)    23:15(19)     1:09(8)      8:01(19)      ---         4:36(17)     1:17(20=)   10:44(18)     2:11(10)     3:08(17)     1:00(12)  
 18   Nicola Jackson           89:56    9:53(21)    21:24(21)    40:32(21)    48:08(20)    56:24(18)    61:06(19)    67:16(19)    67:16(19)    73:15(18)    73:56(18)    79:24(17)    85:32(17)    88:27(17)    89:56(18)  
      DVO, W14A(7)                      9:53(21)    11:31(21)    19:08(21)     7:36(14)     8:16(11)     4:42(20)     6:10(14)      ---         5:59(19)     0:41(14)     5:28(14)     6:08(19)     2:55(14)     1:29(17)  
 19   Sue Bowman (W65)        115:51    4:40(16)    12:04(15)    18:21(14)    29:08(17)    72:58(20)    75:19(20)    84:41(20)    84:41(20)    91:25(19)    92:33(19)    99:43(19)   106:12(19)   113:25(19)   115:51(19)  
      OD, _LG(4)                        4:40(16)     7:24(15)     6:17(9)     10:47(20)    43:50(20)     2:21(12)     9:22(20)      ---         6:44(20)     1:08(18)     7:10(17)     6:29(20)     7:13(20)     2:26(22)  
mp    Michael H-M (M16)        80:37   13:30(22)    21:30(22)    28:49(19)    38:29(19)    45:34(17)    49:27(17)    56:28(17)    56:28(17)      ---        60:33        74:19        77:12        79:50        80:37      
      OD, _LG, [M16]                   13:30(22)     8:00(18)     7:19(13)     9:40(19)     7:05(9)      3:53(19)     7:01(17)      ---          ---         4:05        13:46(19)     2:53(12)     2:38(12)     0:47(1)   
mp    Jane Sells (W60)        105:00    6:10(18)    14:59(18)    32:09(20)    50:00(21)      ---          ---        65:09        65:10        74:41        75:58        92:13          ---       102:36       105:00      
      OD, _LG, [W60]                    6:10(18)     8:49(20)    17:10(20)    17:51(21)      ---          ---        15:09         0:01(1)      9:31(21)     1:17(20=)   16:15(21)      ---        10:23         2:24(21)  
      Max Elliott              rtd      6:50(19)    20:12(20)      ---          ---          ---          ---        50:08        50:08        53:35        54:06          ---          ---        55:38        56:58      
      NOC, M14A                         6:50(19)    13:22(22)      ---          ---          ---          ---        29:56          ---         3:27(13)     0:31(3=)      ---          ---         1:32         1:20(16)  

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Goto class M14A , W14A

Any queries, errors, or omissions should in the first instance be addressed to Paul Furness,