SHORT  1.9kms 15 controls

1   Tim Burrows       Ind    M12    12.51

2   Alex Hedges        OD    M17   13.00

3   Elle Beech                               14.05

4   Heather Rogers   OD    W10   15.40

5   Jamie Nicolson   KH8             17.45

6   Zoe                      KH8             17.47

7   Clara Sprules      KH8             18.29

8   Emilia Lowe        OD   W12   19.23

9   Daiya                   KH8             20.17

10 Rich Greenhalf    Ind     M50  20.56

11 Sian F                  KH8             21.34

12 Jessica Harvey    KH8             21.42

13 Fiona Philpott      KH8   W ?   21.51

14 Sophie Oliver        OD    W10 21.59

15 Ellis Mc               KH8            23.29

16 Anna Hopley        OD    W6    24.22

17 Ian Bradford          Ind    M21  25.09

18 Ella-R McCartney OD    W10 25.39

19 Amy F                  KH8            26.46

20 Jorgia                    KH8           26.59

21 Sophie                  KH8            27.06

22 Rosie                    KH8            29.01

23 Diane Billington  Ind      W?   29.32

MIDDLE  2.5kms   17 controls

1   Dan Halliday      OD      M21  09.46

2   Rob Buckby    UWOC   M21  11.42

3   Chris Rye        UWOC   M20  11.47

4   Mike Baggott      HOC   M55  13.13

5   Mike Hampton    OD     M60  14.25

6   Hamish Rogers    OD     M12  14.36

7   Ian Hopkins         HOC  M40  14.42

8   Harry McCartney OD    M10  15.25

9   John Ward           OD    M60   16.31

10 Robert Vickers    HOC M65   17.39

11 Amy Oliver          OD   W14   18.55

12 Phil May              OD    M55   19.35

13 Penny Oliver        OD   W12   19.48

14 Alex Hedges         OD   M17   20.18

15 David Butler         KH8  M55  20.30

16 Gillian Cross        OD   W60   20.52

17 Sue Hallett           OD    W60  22.09

18 Karin Kirk            OD   W60  23.53

19 Barry Bradford      Ind   M60  26.43

20 Michael Turner     Ind   M21  29.40

21 Liz Urquhart         OD   W50  28.41

22 Irene Rogers          Ind   W55  30.24

23 David Burrin         Ind   M65  31.03

24 Glen Harris            Ind  M65  34.09

     Alastair Gardner   OD    w3   24.54

      Jenny Uff              HOC      dnf

LONG  4.3kms   25 controls

1   Matt Halliday       OD   M18   14.41

2   Dan Halliday        OD   M21   14.44

3   Julian Simpson     OD  M21    14.49

4   Chris McCartney  OD  M35    15.58

5   Robert Gardner     OD  M18   16.09

6   Chris Rye          UWOC M20  16.12

7   John Embrey        HOC M50   17.00

8   Stuart Thomson FVOC  M18  17.31

9   Rob Buckby       UWOC M21 18.45

10 Tony Feltbower      OD  M50  19.07

11 Tom McComiskie  BAOC M21  19.09

12 Barry Elkington      OD  M35  19.14

13 Steven Edwards-KBAOC M21   19.34

14 Rebecca Simpson   OD  W21  19.55

15 Richard Gardner     OD  M50  20.05

16 Mike Baggott        HOC M55  20.07

17 Sophie Kirk            OD  W16  20.12

18 Paul Furness           OD  M50  20.52

19 Mark Thomson     FVO M40  21.08

20 Pete Guillaume       OD  M55 21.54

21 Adrian Bailey       HOC M40  22.33

22 Liz Phillips              OD W40  22.36

23 Ian Farrell          MDOC M21  23.51

24 John Ward               OD M60  23.56

25 Dan Lickman     MDOC M21 24.02

26 Ian Hopkins          HOC  M40 24.26

27 Mark Cummings UWOCM21 24.27

28 John Boden              OD M60 24.55

29 Isabel Urquhart        OD W20 25.12

30 Martin Cross            OD M60 25.17

31 Bob Brandon           OD M55  25.20

32 Michael Dugmore  HOC M65 25.56

33 Judith Guillaume     OD W55 26.00

34 Simon Ferrier      BAOC M21 26.07

35 Michael Bomber      OD M55 26.24

36 Calum                    KH8   M?  27.23

37 Sam                        KH8  M?  27.41

38 Faye Greaves         Ind  W21   27.58

39 Robert Harris         OD  M35   28.04

40 Toby Greaves         Ind  M35   29.30  

41 Graham Urquhart   OD M50   32.13

42 Aimee Morse          OD W12  32.53     

   David Bray               w25     17.09

   Mike Hampton         w25     18.18

   Mark Foxwell           m15     27.15 

   Stephen Granges-B   m12     27.15 


I enjoyed planning these sprints and hope you all enjoyed running them. Organising a SEE is a significant task these days. Having put out all the controls well ahead of time it merely encouraged early arrivals for a run. With a starting time of 6.30pm, we had registered 27 by 6.10pm.

Im going to be a grumpy old woman and complain about all those runners who arrived at registration and asked for a pen. As a busy organiser, well stretched at this point, it is rather inconsiderate to expect him/her to stop and find a pen for you when you have one in your car but cant be bothered to fetch it. Please remember for future events you will need a pen to complete your entry form.

I checked the area 6 days before the event because of construction work and all was well. Then on the day everywhere sprang into action putting up temporary constructions, animal pens etc. for the Royal Show. It spoilt my planned legs much to my disappointment but perhaps not you runners as no-one complained.

If your name doesn’t appear in the results for a course you ran - did you download between courses?

Many thanks to Greta, Sue, Bob and Mark without whom Id have sunk under the workload.

Sue Bicknell