Name Club Age class Course Time
Iain Embury UWOC M21 G 25.01
Julian Simpson OD M21 G 27.37  
Ben Windsor LEI M18 G 30.10
Bruce Bryant OD M50 G 30.40
Sophie Kirk OD W16 G 32.57
Dave Marr OD M55 G 35.55
Harrison McCartney OD M10 G 36.36
Doug Balmer OD M35 G 37.01
Bob Brandon OD M55 G 38.17
Rebecca Simpson OD W21 G 39.27
John Embury HOC M50 G 39.34
Liz Phillips OD W40 G 39.39
Ian Farrell MDOC M21 G 40.18
Mark Cummings UWOC M21 G 40.33
Richard Windsor LEI M45 G 41.39
Peter Leake LEI M65 G 41.53
Martin Cross OD M60 G 42.20
David Burrin CWA M65 G 44.42
Peter Hornsby LEI M55 G 44.42
Isabel Urquart OD W21 G 46.11
Barry McGowan HOC M60 G 46.21
John Bowman OD M65 G 46.40
John Ward OD M60 G 48.22
John Middler BAOC M55 G 48.41
Sue Hallett OD W60 G 49.20
Mike Dugmore HOC M45 G 49.42
John Marriott LEI M60 G 50.04
Philip May ind M55 G 54.26
Robert Harris OD M35 G 56.30
John Boden OD M60 G 58.14
Daniel Lickman MDOC M21 G 60.08
Jacky Embury HOC W50 G 61.53
John Handley ind M60 G 64.14
Alison Sloman HOC W70 G 64.24
Jose Montero ind M21 G 68.01
Penny Oliver OD W12 G 68.01
Faye Greaves ind W21 G 71.35
Toby Greaves ind M35 G 72.38
Michael Turner ind M21 G 78.56
Sergio Mur OD M21 G 36.54 m1
Graham Urquart OD M50 G 36.33 rtd
Rodney Hugo OD M65 G 52.58 m16
Liz Urquart OD W50 G 76.23 m15-27
Mark Foxwell LEI M40 G 27.56 m15-27
Tim Burrows ind M12 O 31.20  
Gillian Cross OD W60 O 35.31
Irene Rogers OD W55 O 37.53
Barry Bradford ind M60 O 44.10
Becky Harris OD W35 O 45.09
Karin Kirk OD W60 O 49.11
Emilia Lowe OD W12 O 51.46
Alex Hedges OD M12 O 32.25 w12
Aimee Morse OD W12 Y 11.59
Heather Rogers OD W10 Y 17.23
Callum Parker ind M12 Y 21.50
Ella-Rose McCartney OD W10 Y 26.21
Ian Bradford ind M21 Y 30.25
Sophie Oliver OD W10 Y 37.30
Fiane Billington ind W50 Y 42.50
Mandy Broadbridge ind W35 Y 46.43
John Marshall ind M16 Y 56.22
Jackie O'Kelly ind W50 Y 56.40

I think Rough Close is a great little area, encouraging runners to run fast,
but then catches out those who perhaps go too fast, miss controls, punch the
wrong or just get 'confused'! This is seen by the number of runners who have
mis-punched. Apologies to David Bray, Ben Wilson and John Ward, who will
have lost a couple of minutes each looking for a mis-placed control (wrong
path) before I replaced it in the correct position. Also, apologies to those
who had to give up their green maps, and to those who had to use a
second-hand one. Many more ran the green than expected, but a pdf file of
the green courses is posted for anyone to see and download if they wish.
Many thanks to Jules and Rebecca, and Rodney for helping collect controls,
and to Jane, of course, for helping with the registration. We managed to
leave the area by 9pm.
Tony Feltbower