Borough Hill Results
23rd August

1 Penny Oliver W12 OD 23.52
2 Amy Oliver W10 OD 25.38
3 Sophie Oliver W5 OD 26.11

1 Irene Rogers W55 OD 45.17 

1 John Bowman M60 OD 40.41
2 John Boden M60 OD 41.29
3 Sue Hallett W60 OD 42.32

1 Mat Halliday M16 OD 32.09
2 Richard Gardiner M50 OD 35.13
3 Chris McCartney M35 OD 37.49
4 Joe Halliday W18 OD 38.59
5 Alan Halliday M50 OD 40.37
6 Mike Hampton M60 OD 42.16
7 Mike Baggott M50 HOC 42.41 
8 Jane Halliday W45 OD 44.32
9 Jeremy Higgins M40 Ind 46.50
10 Robert Vickers M60 HOC 53.52 
Mike Bomber m2
Bob Brandon m7

The heavy rain, which was forecast for much of the day, probably put off many competitors. In fact it arrived at 5 o'clock just after I had put out the last control. By 6 o'clock, however, it had cleared, enabling all competitors to run in the dry. My thanks to Mike for manning the download, enabling me to collect in some of the early controls, Bob for the equipment and John Boden for helping to collect in the remaining controls.
John Ward